"How do I know what I think till I've seen what I have written"


26 May 2010

beautiful quote

— you know how it is: singular spirits can bear only so much love, so much perfection stumbled on by chance.

- Roberto Bolaño

20 May 2010

Chicago Housing Authority evicts 31 households...

Thank goodness for the CHA. Their concern is so genuine and sincere. I am wondering where better and safe housing is located. The people being evicted are so lucky!... NOTE: the hypocrisy of my post has not escaped me.

CHA press release

01 March 2010

scraping dead foot skin in public

WTF?! would possess a human being to scrape the bottom of their feet with scissors while I am sitting less than 15 feet away in the living room? WTF?! is wrong with this jackass! Holding his hand underneath his foot like that makes it OK? SICK and DISGUSTING. I am so revulsed!!! This next month may be one of the longest of my life.

01 January 2010

Happy New Year

Things I am thankful for in 2009

  • my lady, Linda

  • my family

  • knowing myself better

  • starting school...again

  • being employed

It has been a good year. 2010 will be even better!!!