"How do I know what I think till I've seen what I have written"


22 October 2009

Internet Privacy

The article was informative and provided great resources that I hopefully take advantage of. I've already added spybot and ad-aware to my limited defenses from previous class discussions, and appreciate being cautious, but where does all the security end? I already very cynical and critical of most things coming across the web. I would say I follow the majority of the rules, but things like cookie management, being conscious of web security, home security, examining privacy policies, and using encryption can seem over the top. A lot of times I think it is practical to think about all these additional securities, but at the same time when do you say stop. Part of the joys of the internet is the ease of use and freedom of information it provides. We all have too little time and are too lazy to read all the fine print and set browers settings. I know I sound lazy and maybe I am, but like most things I feel that if I use my common sense I will be OK and going, IMHO , extremes is unnecessary.

So I think the article was useful and I understand it is practical to apply all 12 tips, but overall I don't think it will change my current habits that much. I think it will make me more conscientious of other's using my computer. People are reckless in their browsing habits and tend to click on anything that seems apppropriate. My girlfriend clicked on a pop up stating that I had a virus and it started downloading. What it was I don't know, but I closed the browser and ran a scan from my anti virus software.


case said...

I dont think its over the top to protect yourself from potential threats. The actions might seem over the top but they will pay off. Next, girlfriends ruin everything.

Dina said...

First, girlfriends don't ruin anything. Whoever owns the computer should have a pop-up blocker.
Second, setting the browser might seem like a pain, but if you think of it, it's only done once. And if it leaves you more protected with so little effort then why not take such steps?